Kim Kardashian's feet

Leg and ankle swelling is one of the most common complains pregnant patient present to my office.  During pregnancy hormone changes make the body retains more water and the growing uterus also press again the leg vein making it difficult to push blood from the legs to the heart.
Some tips for you and Kim Kardashian next pregnancy: 
  1. Avoid standing for long periods, and don't cross your legs
  2.  sleep on your left side
  3. Drink plenty of fluids ( ~10 cups)
  4. Take daily walks, ride a stationary bike or swim laps in a pool.
  5. apply cold-water compresses to swollen areas.
Visit your local podiatrist he/she can provide you with compression stocking.  This devices will help pump blood up your leg, decrease ankle pain, avoid any serious complications, and give you more stability.

Rolando M Melendez, DPM in Jamaica, NY and Hampton Bays, NY is here to help you with all yours and your baby's foot and ankle problems.  Because we want you to keep doing all the fun thing you like to do without pain on your feet!

Credit to mayoclic

Oprah's bunions

Bunions are a common deformity of feet.  People get bunions for many reasons but genetics is the most common.  Symptoms vary from pain on the joint to pain at the bony prominence.  The bunion deformities can occur on the inside of the foot (regular bunion) and/or outside of the foot (Tailors bunion
Oprah Winfrey has both, a regular bunion and a Tailors bunion, in this case this deformity is call a Splay foot.
Conservative treatments include padding and wider shoes.  Surgical treatments are more curative of the deformity.  Bunion surgery or bunionectomy is one of the most common procedure done by podiatrist.  

Rolando M Melendez, DPM in Jamaica NY is here to help you with all your foot problems.  We want you to continue doing all the fun things you like to do without pain on your feet!!!

Angelina Jolie flat feet

Photo credit:

Los Pies Planos no son siempre un problema que necesita tratamiento. Los pies planos son tratados solamente cuando se vuelven dolorosos y causar dificultades funcionales. Los pacientes pueden experimentar dolor en el arco medial y dolor en las articulaciones. Desafortunadamente deformidades de los pies son progresivos. Los tratamientos conservadores incluyen calzado adecuado, insertos personalizados y férula de tobillo. Hay muchos tratamiento quirúrgico seguro ofrecida a los pacientes pediátricos y adultos.

Dr. Rolando Meléndez  es el podiatra Latino, el especializa del pie y el tobillo.
  • Jackson Heights, NY
  • Corona, NY
  •  Jamaica, NY
  • Hampton Bays, NY
more help hereDr. Rolando MeléndeDr. Rolando Meléndez

Plantar fasciitis in the NBA

The Chicago Bulls player P.J. Brown was recently sidelined with a right foot plantar fascia strain. The repetitive nature of activities such as basketball —running, jumping, and other explosive movements that cause increased foot demands—are especially hard on the Plantar Fascia ligament and can cause an acute plantar fasciitis. If the activity causing the pain is not modified, the condition will likely worsen.

Dr Rolando M Melendez DPM has 2 goals.  The first to relieve your pain and second to prevent this pain interfering with your life again.

Dr Rolando M Melendez, DPM in Jackson Heights, NY Jamaica, NY and Hampton Bays, NY has the experience and tools to diagnose and treat all kinds of foot and ankle injuries.  Because we want you to keep doing all the fun things you like to do without having pain in your feet!

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Foot problem are common, look at Lebron James


Foot deformities are common and progressive.  Your foot today is not going to be the one you will have in 20 years.

I can bet that Lebron James at 12 y/o his foot didn't look like that.

In Rolando M Melendez is in Jamaica, NY to help you with your foot problems.  

Why live with pain? !!
I want you to enjoy all the fun things you like to do with feet that are pain free!!

My foot hurt!!! You and me going to fix it

Foot pain!!!!!
From ingrown nails to ankle pain is not fun at all.  On our Jamaica, NY, Rolando M Melendez will work as your teammate to heal your pain.  

Forefoot surgery, easy stuff!

The majority of forefoot surgeries are perform on outpatient bases in a surgical center.  

Forefoot surgery include 
  • bunionectomy, 
  • hammertoe toe correction, 
  • tailors bunion correction
  •  excision of soft tissue masses

For any Forefoot surgery expect:

·         1st-3rd week:  limited and protecteAd WB with a surgical shoe, (coach-bathroom-bed), Rest, elevate, ice (20min in, 20min out), anti-inflammatory

·         4th week: Begin ROM exercises

·         3rd-6th week: active WB, transfer to tennis shoe progressively

·         4th week : return to sitting job,

·         5-6th week: return to walking job