Nice shoes, nasty toes

A condition that usually affects the big toe or the fifth toe, which is characterised by loss of function of the interossei and lumbricale muscles resulting in overpowering of the flexor tendon with resultant overriding toe and depressed metatarsal heads, both prone to ulceration, soft tissue tears, digital dislocation or painful calluses.

Surgery is indicated in nearly every instance and will produce a corrected or improved result. The type of surgery--whether reefing, lengthening, or transposition of tendons, implant arthroplasty, or arthrodesis--is tailored to the underlying cause.  Management Dorsal and plantar-shaped incisions around the toe and extensor digitorum longus tenotomy and circumferential MTP joint release.

Rolando Melendez, DPM in Jackson Heights, NY was the experience and knowledge to treat this kind of foot and ankle injuries. Because we want you to keep doing all the fun things you like to do without having pain in your feet!

Painful corn!!!!

Calluses or Corns 
are an area of skin that thickens after exposure to repetitive frictional forces in order to protect the skin.  Calluses are painful. 

Factors within the body that may lead to the formation of corns and calluses. 
  • Bony prominences or structural deformities, such as hammertoes and bunions
  • Faulty foot function such as overpronation or oversupination
  • Damaged sweat glands, scars, warts(plantar verruca)
If home remedies fail to eliminate the corns and calluses and they continue to be painful or bothersome, consult your doctor. Anyone with diabetes, loss of sensation or poor circulation should seek medical attention earlier because of a higher risk for infection.

Podiatrists will take X-rays of your feet to look at underlying bony structures that may be the cause of the corns and calluses. 

Periodic shaving or cutting off the hardened area on the skin (debridement) by surgical means or with medicines that break up hardened areas of skin such as 40% urea (keratolytic agents)

Surgically removing areas of protruding bone where corns and calluses form and/or correcting the underlying deformity

Thank you

Rolando Melendez, DPM in Jackson Heights, NY was the experience and knowledge to treat this kind of foot and ankle injuries. Because we want you to keep doing all the fun things you like to do without having pain in your feet!